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Milwaukee County to See Marijuana Legalization on November Ballot

On November 6, Milwaukee voters will be able to make their opinions regarding marijuana legalization in Wisconsin known. The County Board approved the resolution.  The question is being posed merely to gauge public opinion.

The referendum will not legalize marijuana in Wisconsin but will provide an opinion to state lawmakers, the Journal Sentinel reports. Supervisor John Weishan, Jr. sponsored the resolution. He commented that the public’s opinion is needed to help the state’s Legislature follow the lead of other states by legalizing recreational marijuana.

Weishan said, “We need to get them moving on these things today.”

The vote was 15 – 1 supporting the referendum. The sole vote against it was Supervisor Patti Logsdon.

Having the question on the county ballot will cost about $15,000.

Voters will see this question on their ballots, “Do you favor adults 21 years of age and older to engage in the personal use of marijuana, while also regulating commercial marijuana-related activities, and imposing a tax on the sale of marijuana?”